BEST 2.0 Swap Checker

With this tool you can check whether a certain trading volume would be worthwhile or at what price it would be worth it.

Trading volume would be worth it
Trading volume would not be worth it

Quick Info bei 0,8128€ pro BEST

BP Fusion
1.000€ >= 17.392,81 BEST
3.000€ >= 23.056,88 BEST
10.000€ >= 48.252,19 BEST
30.000€ >= 137.802,97 BEST
1.000€ >= 61.728,75 BEST
3.000€ >= 82.041,25 BEST
10.000€ >= 172.275,63 BEST
30.000€ >= 492.197,50 BEST
3.000€ >= 157.041,25 BEST
10.000€ >= 244.150,63 BEST
30.000€ >= 418.369,38 BEST
100.000€ >= 1.464.170,16 BEST
ATTENTION: Crypto to crypto trades are assumed for the calculation. No crypto to fiat trades (these double the fees).
ATTENTION! These swaps can influence the tax.
ATTENTION! At the moment there are higher fees for stocks, which can lead to higher fees than shown in the calculator.
ATTENTION! Swaps should between 08:30 and 22:00 (CEST) on weekdays, otherwise there will be more charges – more info here.
ATTENTION! Carry out the swaps with at least 10 EUR as there is a minimum of fees.
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Swaps guide on Bitpanda Fusion

  1. Buy an available asset from Bitpanda Fusion.
    This can be any crypto asset that is tradable on Bitpanda Fusion. This can already be done on Bitpanda Fusion to save on fees.
  2. Start trading between any 2 crypto assets.
    Stablecoins such as USDC are particularly well suited as a pairing to minimize the risk of price fluctuations (e.g. BTC-USDC).
  3. Sell crypto again or keep it in stablecoin.
    Either you sell the crypto asset again, or you stay in a stablecoin to save further fees.

Instructions Swaps with Stocks

  1. Buy stocks with EUR.
    It is best to swap the shares between 08:30 and 22:00 (CEST) on weekdays, otherwise there will be extra fees
  2. Start with the swaps between 2 arbitrary shares until the desired trading volume has been reached.
  3. Sell stock again.
    Keep an eye on your trading volume and take the volume into account, which is generated by your last sell – so unnecessarily generated trading volume can be avoided.

Instructions Swaps GOLD <> USDT

Alternatively, gold can also be bought & resold. The fees will be pretty much exactly the same as the €7.50 / €1000 volume.
  1. Buy gold with EUR, as the fees for gold are only 0.5%
    For a lower trading volume, even a lower initial EUR amount is better, since the “expensive volume” are the initial purchase and the final sale.
  2. Start with the swaps between gold and USDT or USDC until the desired volume has been reached.
  3. As your last step sell gold again, as here the fees are only 1%.
    Keep an eye on your trading volume and take the volume into account, which is generated by your last sell – so unnecessarily generated trading volume can be avoided.
The calculator takes the current price as a point of reference. All information without guarantee.
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