Bitpanda Cash Plus Calculator

Enter values to start the Cash Plus calculator.

1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
Compare with alternative form of savings
This is the fiat to be used in the Cash Plus program
Your actual holdings can be entered here
You can choose your BEST VIP level here.
LVL1 >= 10 BEST
LVL2 >= 1.000 BEST
LVL3 >= 5.000 BEST
LVL4 >= 10.000 BEST
LVL5 >= 50.000 BEST
How long (in months) should interest be received.
All information without guarantee.

What is Bitpanda Cash Plus?

In a nutshell, Bitpanda Cash Plus is a way to earn interest on fiat currencies such as euros, British pounds and US dollars with the Bitpanda broker. Here, you get returns that are mostly higher than conventional savings options, and all without locking the capital for a certain period of time.

What do I need for Bitpanda Cash Plus?

All you need is a verified Bitpanda account with fiat currency in it. In the app as well as in the browser, you can activate Bitpanda Cash Plus, after which you will be asked simple questions to determine if you are aware of the risks of investing and from then on, fiat currencies will be exchanged for Cash Plus currencies every day at fixed times of the day.

When do I get paid the interest?

Interest is paid monthly, and the amount depends on the duration and the amount of money invested. An adjustment of the ECB prime rate also affects the interest rate of Bitpanda Cash Plus.

What advantages do I have as a BEST (Bitpanda Ecosystem Token) VIP member?

As a BEST VIP member I have even better conditions on interest rates, so as a VIP 5 I have the opportunity to get 12.5% more interest.

VIP Level 1 … 2,50%
VIP Level 2 … 5,00 %
VIP Level 3 … 7,50%
VIP Level 4 … 10,00 %
VIP Level 5 … 12,50 %.

As of 26.06.2023. Source

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